Thursday, February 27, 2020

Spiritual Beliefs as a Factor in the Performance of Nursing Staff Research Paper

Spiritual Beliefs as a Factor in the Performance of Nursing Staff - Research Paper Example These questions are significant to nursing practice; in order to meet the demands of the population and increase both patient chances of survival and patient satisfaction the role of spiritualism as a factor considered motivational has been studied to evaluate its efficiency. Following a literature review nursing practices have been identified which contribute to better patient outcomes and advanced education has been noted to increase the ability of the nurse to provide spiritual care. Those nurse’s with more experience and those working at a higher grade have a greater understanding of spirituality (Noble, & Jones, 2010). The value of communication with non-verbal cues is necessary and spiritual care must be guided by the patients themselves. Communication has been identified as a strong factor in the ability to deliver appropriate spiritual care in Milligan, 2004; McSherry, 2006; and Ross, 2006 by Noble and Jones. A lack of time is also considered a barrier to providing spi ritual care and the need for better education and training would be welcome by many. Spirituality among nurse’s is related positively to education levels and those having a Master’s degree. It is also related to 11-19 years clinical experience and having received spiritual education and training (Wu, & Lin, 2011). In Lind, Sendelbach, & Steen, (2011) nurses were described as feeling unprepared and unable to meet the spiritual needs of patients. Patient satisfaction surveys in a Minnesota cardiovascular progressive care unit determined that meeting the spiritual needs of patients in the unit was an area that needed improvement. The unit first analyzed the 2001 Joint Commission of 2001Press Ganey national inpatient data which indicated that there is a high value placed on emotional and spiritual care while patient’s are hospitalized. Second, there is a very strong correlation between meeting a patient’s emotional and spiritual needs to their overall satisfa ction and third, this is area in most hospitals that provides opportunity for a significant improvement. Spiritual distress has been named as an appropriate nursing diagnosis by The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association and it is a recommendation of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing that spiritual care is included in all education programs. Despite this fact education and training seems to be lacking to many nurses. Only a small number of nurses feel that they are able to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of patients. The unit began offering a two hour voluntary education program to the nurses with time paid and which 37 or 70% of the nurses attended over the period of a year. The instructor who taught the class was from a local faith affiliated University and the hospital Chaplain participated in each training class. This education program included concepts such as defining spirituality, what spiritual care is, what prevents spiritual care, when to call th e Chaplain and nursing interventions for spiritual care. Sessions were based on literature and staff surveys. The unit implemented a new survey, the HOPE survey, in order to provide spiritual assessment. The survey was taken from a teaching tool that was developed for Physicians. Likert type survey scores which measured patient satisfaction with spiritual and emotional care went up from 65% and 62% to 74% and 71% the two months following implementation of the training program. Pastoral care consultancies were increased from 16 to 27 per month and spiritual care plans were increased from 1 to 4 per month. The success of this program in the

Monday, February 10, 2020

Event Risk Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Event Risk Management - Assignment Example all participants will be required to adhere to present rules defining their contact behaviours, each member will be required to abide by the rules during the session, and acts of misconduct will attract reprimand. The police officers will also be engaged to ensure that security is beefed and order observed. The head of the police department will be involved in planning for security patrols and deploying of police officers. This will ensure law is not broken and at the same time, the safety of those attending the event guaranteed. The health practitioners will also be invited to provide first aid services to those who might get hurt or fall sick during the session. This will ensure that the health of those invited is cared for should there be any unexpected health problem. During this event, provision of clean drinking water and safe food will be mandatory. Safe and adequate means of transport to and from the venue will be provided. With the coming of a famous musical band a variety of people with divergent purposes will be attracted. All people coming will be required to pay an entry fee to cut out the idlers, if necessary charges be slightly higher. The stage will be protected and be on a raised ground such that the crowd will be at a lower point. Various entrances and exits will be opened to enhance mobility of the crowd. The selling of alcoholic drinks will be limited or prohibited depending on which suits the situation. Both the young and old will be invited as this will help curb reckless behaviours that is seen when those who attend such an event are youths only, a mix of the crowd will be appropriate. Various hotel departments such as that dealing with accommodation and security will be rigorously involved. Frequent patrols and visibility of the security personnel will help control risky behaviours and any attempt to cause chaos. The accommodations department will be required to ensure that the rooms in which the people will sleep are safe and clean with